Workplace Violence Training for Supervisors
The purpose of workplace violence training for supervisors is to make supervisors aware of the emotional and psychological aspects of dealing with this type of issue. They need to be aware of how their supervisor"s behavior can impact the morale and productivity of their employees.
In order to achieve effective workplace violence training for supervisors, they need to be aware of the workplace dynamics that play a part in causing the problem to begin with. This is a challenging task because most supervisors aren"t trained or educated on the dynamics and needs of their employees.
There are many things that can cause an emotional state that creates a negative energy. These things might include issues with the bosses, an unsatisfactory work environment, general feeling of powerlessness, relationships with co-workers, and a fear of change. These all are the ingredients to interpersonal violence.
An employer needs to know what to look for when setting up difficult workplace situations. As an employer, it is your responsibility to do everything you can to help your employees become more confident and capable of handling situations that might lead to workplace violence.
In order to achieve effective workplace violence training for supervisors, supervisors need to identify and address the causes of their relationship with their employees. Employers also need to have workable guidelines in place to be able to provide guidance to the staff members when they feel that a situation may be getting out of control.
Employers need to have in place a written procedure to follow when dealing with employees that are exhibiting behavior that is threatening or abusive. This should include basic tools to calm a situation down, such as the proper name to use, proper words, numbers to call, and an alternative action plan.
This simple steps should go over as quickly as possible, and the supervisor must remain calm and composed. It is essential that the supervisor not cry or become angry or defensive, this will only make the situation worse.
Good examples of how to handle a crisis are helpful for all employees. You will want to implement them and make sure they are understood and that everyone understands them.
Once you have determined that a crisis is necessary, then have several different scenarios planned and practice them until they become second nature. Having an idea of what to do is key, then if something does happen you will have prepared yourself.
Create a paper trail of your employees activities, talking points, and actions to create a case file. Creating a case file will also show you where your employees are coming from when they are upset or agitated and how you can help them if you see these types of behaviors from them.
To increase the effectiveness of your workplace violence training for supervisors, you can get complete training in first aid and CPR. The standards have changed, so it is important that you are familiar with these before attempting to intervene and render first aid on the employees involved.
The goal of workplace violence training for supervisors is to ensure that the people who are charged with the responsibility of protecting employees are in good hands. It is also important that they understand the seriousness of the situation and the extreme measures that should be taken if you need to intervene.